What Are The Benefits Of A VI Peel

A Lady taking massage near neck | Get to know the Benefits of VI Peel in Northwest Beauty and Wellness at Sequim, WA

Here at Northwest Beauty & Wellness, we’re pleased to offer you the VI Peel, a chemical peel with a medium depth and medical grade. In addition to its anti-aging advantages, this chemical peel is so mild that it barely registers on the pain scale. It’s risk-free for people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. We suggest a sequence of three to four VI Peels for best results.

One of the most recent chemical peels to gain popularity is the VI Peel because of its impressive results with relatively little recovery time. Beyond the scope of a standard resurfacing peel, this combination of acids, retinol, vitamins, and minerals targets particular skin concerns like acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and the onset of wrinkles. Even with today’s expectations of immediate satisfaction, the VI Peel has to sound appealing.

While it’s tempting to go into this treatment, getting all the information you can first is best. So here’s all you should know about VI Peel and its benefits. 

What Is VI Peel?

The fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, sun spots, melasma, and uneven skin tone are all improved by the Vi Peel, a chemical peel that works by cleaning out the pores, decreasing oil production, and enhancing collagen creation. There will not be any severe disruptions or downtime. The creators of the VI Peel claim it is the “ideal first-time peel for all age groups who want fresh, healthy, glowing skin” and that it can be used to address a wide variety of skin concerns.

Just what is it that sets it apart? The skin’s texture and tone can be improved, revitalization can be achieved, and protection from further damage can be provided by using a combination of active substances such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA), retinoic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, vitamin C, and a blend of minerals. Plus, it has painkillers that can eliminate the burning sensation for some people. The fundamental intent of the VI Peel is not to peel the skin off physically but to inject beneficial chemicals into the skin.

Benefits You Can Enjoy From VI Peel

The VI Peel comes in different iterations, each addressing specific concerns. However, generally speaking, you can still enjoy the following benefits from the VI Peel:


  • Reduces Scars: Acne sufferers get two benefits from the VI Peel: reduced acne and the appearance of scars caused by acne on the skin’s surface. It evens the skin’s tone, lightens dark spots, calms redness, and adds volume to hollowed-out skin by stimulating collagen production. Scars of various types, including ice picks, rollers, and boxcars, can be treated. The VI Peel may require numerous sessions or treatments to achieve optimal results on certain types of scars.


  • Evens Skin Tone: The VI Peel’s synergistic blend of chemicals is perfect for lightening sunspots and hyperpigmentation while leaving skin bright and refreshed.


  • Reduces Fine Lines And Wrinkles: The combination of acids, antioxidants, and exfoliants profoundly penetrates the skin, triggering a resurfacing process that stimulates new cell development, including collagen and elastin, to smooth over fine lines and wrinkles and provide the skin a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Standard VI Peel addresses all of these concerns. Still, we offer different versions to provide more intensive, specialized treatments, such as the VI Peel Purify Precision Plus, which treats acne and acne scars. Once you schedule a consultation with a VI Peel provider, they can advise you on which version would be best for you.

Preparing For A VI Peel Appointment

The first step is to research the VI Peel and determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment. While the VI Peel is generally safe for almost all skin types, it is not recommended for those with sensitive skin, poor wound healing, or conditions such as eczema, diabetic skin issues, psoriasis, or autoimmune skin conditions. People of darker skin tones, for whom peels and laser treatments may pose an increased risk, should also avoid the VI Peel.

Both before and after treatment, your provider will emphasize the necessity of avoiding direct sunlight. The sun’s rays can cause hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and a burn if they come into contact with wounded skin either during or after the healing process.

Getting checked out by a professional first if you think the VI Peel is for you is a fair idea because you want to ensure it’s the right choice for your skin. While a specialist isn’t necessary to do the VI Peel, you should still ensure your provider is trustworthy and aware of any potential risks to your skin and overall health, including whether you are pregnant or nursing. 

Further, we will stress the importance of requesting a patch test before getting a peel if it is your first time or if you need clarification about your tolerance for acids.

What To Expect

Our patients convey minimal to no discomfort during the VI Peel, considered one of the safest chemical peels. It’s quick, too, requiring only around 30 minutes to complete. While there is no official recovery time, you should know that considerable peeling is expected during the first four to five days after treatment.

In general, adverse effects are uncommon. Your healthcare provider will likely emphasize the significance of resisting the temptation to pick or scrape at the skin afterward, as doing so might result in scarring. People of color need to pay extra attention to this. Discoloration of the skin is possible; however, it usually fades away within a few days following treatment.


Sticking to the post-care recommendations you’ll receive following treatment, including using sunscreen and moisturizer as prescribed, and avoiding any temptations to pick, peel, or touch your face, are the main components of aftercare. Your skin’s barrier function is essential to the healing process, so avoiding harsh substances like acids and retinol is best until you get your doctor’s green light.


Now that you know all there is to know about the VI Peel, you may agree that it represents the pinnacle of modern standards in the beauty industry. For those who have pondered getting a peel but have been put off by the recovery time, the VI Peel may be the answer to their cosmetic problems. Feel free to get in touch with or stop by our clinic, Northwest Beauty And Wellness, if this interests you. Additionally, we have a wide range of services to address a wide range of skin issues.

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